A staying period has been set for people who have been in close contact with the new coronavirus infection.
In principle, please stay home unless it is necessary to go out during the staying- home period.

Period of staying home for those who had close contact with new coronavirus infection

  • The staying period is 5 days from the day after the last contact with the patient, starting on the 0th day of the last contact (cancelled on the 6th day).
  • If the test using the antigen qualitative test kit on the 2nd and 3rd days is confirmed to be negative, staying period can be canceled from the 3rd day.
  • *Test kit distributed at Shiga test kits distribution & positive person registration center cannot be used for this purpose.
    *You do not have to inform the health center of the result if it is confirmed negative.
  • Even after the waiting period is lifted, please take the following infection control measures until the 7th day.
    1. Physical condition check by yourself such as temperature measurement
    2. Avoid contact with people who are at high risk of becoming seriously ill if infected, such as the elderly and those with underlying diseases.
    3. Avoid visiting facilities for the elderly and children with disabilities and medical institutions if it is not necessary.
    4. Wear a mask and avoid using risky places of infection and eating together with other people

Period of staying home for family members living with those who had close contact with new coronavirus infection

Those who are family members or cohabitants living with a person who has tested positive (family members or cohabitants who share eating, drinking, bathing, sleeping, etc. when the person with a positive test is recuperating at home. Hereinafter referred to as "family members living together".) Period of staying home of family members living together is as follows.
  • The date of onset of the test-positive person (if the test-positive person is asymptomatic (asymptomatic pathogen carrier), the sample collection date
  •   or
  • The day when infection control measures were taken in the residence due to the onset of the test-positive person
  • Staying period is 5 days (canceled on the 6th day) after the 0th day of either of above whichever is later.
However, if another family member in the same household develops symptoms, the date of onset (if the other family member is asymptomatic, the sample collection date) will be counted as 0th day.
In addition, if the test-positive person is an asymptomatic pathogen carrier at the time of diagnosis and then develops symptoms, the date of onset will be counted as the 0th day.
It is necessary to take infection control measures such as temperature measurement, avoiding using risky places, or having dinner together and wearing a mask even after the staying period for family members living together has ended until the medical treatment of the person who tested positive is over.

Observation of health of those who had close contact with new coronavirus infection

If you are contacted by a patient with the new coronavirus infection and suspected to have been in close contact with such patient and have test, please be aware of the following points.
  1. Refrain from going out for 5 days from the date of the last contact with the patient (date of last contact)
  2. Thorough basic infection prevention measures such as wearing a mask and disinfecting hands
  3. Self-check of your own health condition
In addition, if you are recommended to observe health condition* or wish to have health observation, please contact the following.

Those who are recommended to observe health observation in particular*

  • Have an underlying disease (heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes, etc.)
  • Obesity (BMI over 30)
  • Over 65 years old
  • Pregnant woman
  • Living alone (including temporary conditions such as hospitalization of family members)

[Contact] (Japanese only)

For citizen outside Otsu City
Shiga Prefecture Home Care Support Center
  TEL: 077-574-8560
(Please let us know your city name, name and phone number.)
For Otsu City citizen
Otsu City Public Health Center
  TEL: 077-522-7228
Otsu City Consultation and Consultation Center
TEL: 077-526-5411

〇If you do not understand Japanese, please contact us.

Shiga Foreign Residents Information Center 
(Monday-Friday 10: 00 -17: 00 * closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
TEL: 077-523-5646
FAX: 077-510-0601
Email: mimitaro@s-i-a.or.jp
URL: https://www.s-i-a.or.jp/en/counsel