Businesses who cooperated fully and answered the appeal for closure or reduction of hours can receive financial aid.


Following the adoption of emergency measures by the prefecture, businesses were asked to cooperate by closing temporarily or taking other steps.
Financial aid will be provided to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and one-person businesses in the prefecture who cooperated fully with the appeal.

Eligible businesses and amounts

SMEs and one-person businesses who cooperated fully with the appeal for closure (or other measures) for the entire period between April 25 and May 6 (including businesses who were taking measures before April 25.)
SMEs: ¥200,000 each
One-person businesses: ¥100,000 each
※Note: Some cities and towns are planning on providing their own supplement. (Details to be added later.)


Application period

Thursday, May 7 to Friday, June 26, 2020

Application methods

Online through the prefectural website, or by mail.
【Application Online】
You may apply through the Shiga Prefecture homepage (Shiga Net Application Service).
Please complete and send application by 5pm, Friday, June 26th.
※Application may be time consuming, as there are many input categories. Please make use of the temporary saving function.
【Application by Mail】
You may apply by mail by sending the application to the following address.
Please send by simple registered mail (Kan-i kakitome). Postmarked by Friday, June 26 deadline.
Mail to:
〒520-8577 Shiga Prefecture Office Kyomachi 4-1-1, Otsu, Shiga
Shingata Coronavirus Kansen Kakudai Boushi Rinji Shienkin Uketsuke

Required documents

  • Application form
  • Written oath
  • Direct deposit form
  • Proof of identity
  • Documents proving infection prevention measures as of the day of the appeal for self-confinement (April 23)*1 or a document that shows the business’ state of affairs*2
  • *1 A copy of the most recent tax return or business permit (restaurant permit, alcohol permit, etc.)
    *2 A photograph or copy of a website, storefront poster, leaflet, mail advertisement, etc., announcing the business closure
    The name of the place of business and the state of affairs (closure or reduced hours) should be clear.


Emergency measures call center: 077-528-1344 (Japanese only)