
当協会内にあります「しが外国人相談センター」の2025 年度多言語電話等通訳サービス業務について…


Fri, 02/21/2025
ピアザ淡海2階 207会議室
Mon, 02/24/2025
平和書店 アル・プラザ彦根店 レンタルスペースC

Multicultural Coexistence

Establishment of consultation desks for foreign residents and provision of information on living, educational support for children with foreign roots and foreign students in Japan and support for Japanese language education. We also provide assistance during disasters.

Consultation Desk for Foreigners


There is a consultation desk for foreign residents set up in the prefecture with consultants who can speak foreign languages, provide information and recommend specialized offices in accordance to the needs of the client about issues concerning labor, medical care, education, etc. Consultations may also be done through telephone, FAX or e-mails. (Confidentiality is strictly observed.) In addition, liaison meetings for the exchange of information between interpreters and counselors working in municipalities in the prefecture, and training workshops are held respectively for the enhancement of participants.

Consultation Desk for Foreigners Living Guide Q & A

Information Magazine for Foreigners “Mimitaro”


“Mimitaro” is a name given by its volunteer translators that combines the words, “Mimi” (ears), implying the desire to convey good information and “Taro”, a name familiar to Japanese readers.

Published in 10 languages
Japanese (with furigana), English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Korean , Tagalog, Vietnamese and Indonesian.
4 issues per year

Back Issues

Educational Assistance to Children with Foreign Roots

For children and guardians who have roots in foreign countries, we strive to thoroughly provide information on academic courses by holding career guidance seminars in many languages and also support career selection for students to have a broad vision in their future after graduating from high school and university.

Multilingual Course Guidance (Multilingual Reference Materials, Links)(PDF)updated date:10.14.2023

A revised second edition of The Strategy Meeting for your dream(PDF)

Scholarships for Foreign Students (Biwako Scholarship for Foreign Students)


At SIA, we provide benefit-type scholarships for international students (ryugakusei) residing and studying in graduate schools, universities, junior colleges in Shiga.
Please contact the person in charge of the scholarship program in your school for applications.

Outline of Payment & Application Requirements


Assisting Foreign Residents During Disasters .Expanding the Creation of Multicultural Communities through Disaster Prevention

Assisting Foreign Residents During Disasters .Expanding the Creation of Multicultural Communities through Disaster Prevention

We are engaged in giving insights and cooperation in disaster prevention activities, where the government, local residents and municipal international exchange associations work together by enabling foreigners to have a personal relationship and connection with the region and the community through participation in disaster prevention activities, and by having an agreement between the people in the region and the foreign residents, a new chance for awareness may be brought about to the region.